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The Seed: October 29, 2023


October 29, 2023


Dear Christian Temple Family,

Like you, I woke up this morning to the terrible news of another mass shooting. Feelings of despair and frustration washed over me. I logged onto Facebook and saw three different types of reactions: (1) ignoring it, (2) "thoughts and prayers" or something like it, and (3) "Gun reform now." Most likely, the reality is that we are all carrying a little of each reaction in us. I know I am. I want to ignore it and have to--in some ways--to be able to go about my day working for a better Baltimore. I have muttered many prayers, most of which take on the tone of "What the heck, God?"* And I carry a strong desire to advocate for reform of our legislative systems that make situations like this possible.

Pair this with the sense of despair of seeing the violence in the Middle East and if you are like me, you are in for a rough day.

I've been thinking a lot lately about hope and the role of hope in making our world a better place. On a day like today, I can get to feeling pretty hopeless. And I think that is the least helpful place to be. Walter Bruggemann, a Hebrew Bible scholar, says that hopelessness "emerges because little or no prospect for change is on the horizon." He teaches that "the alternative prophetic community is concerned both with criticizing and energizing." I would say that we, the people of Christian Temple, are an alternative prophetic community and as such, our task is not simply to criticize because that can lead to hopelessness.

The task before us is yes, to show that the "dominant consciousness (i.e. violence is the answer, etc) will indeed end and that it has no final claim upon us." But it is also to present an "alternative consciousness that can energize the community to fresh forms of faithfulness and vitality."

Friends, we have an opportunity before us to balance our critique with an energizing vitality that penetrates despair and makes hope possible. I wonder if this is what it means to have hope against hope. That is, to not let our hope be co-opted by the despair of the day and bring vitality to the communities in which we are situated in order to start building an alternative community.

I think we can do it. I think we have been doing this. Will you join us?

Grace and peace,



*To which, I imagine, God responds, "Yeah, what the heck, People?"

Join us for our annual Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October 29th from 4-5:30pm. Hot dogs will be available by an at-will donation to the Children and Youth program. It's not too late to sign up your car to provide a trunk!! Help us meet our goal of having 10-15 cars for this year's event!

Godly Play Adult Session - Have you been curious about this Godly Play stuff the kids have gotten to do? Consider joining us on Sunday morning at 9:15 for a full session of Godly Play. You won't want to miss this!


Christian Temple Official Church Board Meeting - November 15, 2023 (7pm)

There will be a meeting of the Christian Temple Official Board on Wednesday, November 15th at 7:00pm. The meeting will take place over Zoom and is open to the congregation to attend. Board members will be sent the link prior to the meeting. Congregants who are not currently on the board, please email the office at and request the link if you would like to attend.


Beth Wescott's Memorial Service  

The memorial service for Beth Wescott will be held on Saturday, October 28th beginning at 1pm.  A reception following the service will be held in Fellowship Hall.


Nominations, Anyone?

The Nominating Committee will soon begin work to nominate members of the congregation for leadership positions for the church year that begins in July 2024. The committee gives its recommendations to the Christian Temple Board for consideration at the January 2024 Board meeting. These positions include Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Historian, Elder, Deacon, and Steward. If you are interested in any of these positions or would like to provide a name of someone you would like the committee to consider for one of these positions, please let one of the committee members know by November12. Feel free to call, email or talk to a committee member at church:

  • Kathy Gobbel, Chairperson: 410-715-0323,
  • Donna Goon: 410-2072938,
  • Amy Luking: 410-419-9182,
  • Betty Moore: 410-314-9746,
  • Jean O’Donnell: 410-448-5952,


Fifth Sunday Fellowship  (Sunday, October 29th)

Join us this Fifth Sunday, October 29th, for light refreshments in the Gathering space after worship. Enjoy some time with your Christian Temple family & friends!


First Sunday Fiesta  (Coming your way on November 5th!)

We will be holding our monthly First Sunday Fiesta for children and youth on November 5th! We invite you to leave your kids at church and go out for a quiet lunch. Pastor John, Pastor Katie, and some lovely volunteers will serve the children and youth tacos, play games, then split into age appropriate groups (Children, Chi Rho, and CYF) for a time of study and conversation. First Sunday Fiestas will last until 2pm.


Godly Play (Adult Session) / October 29th and November 12th / 9:15 AM

Are you curious about Godly Play? Godly Play is a very intentional spiritual formation tool that we are using for our whole church. The kiddos have gotten to experience it quite a bit. But we want the adults to have their own experiences with Godly Play. We are hosting two Sunday morning Godly Play sessions for adults only. Join us at one or both for an hour of curiosity and creativity. 





During the month of October, we will have bells, book, and banner in the Gathering. Please place the name(s) of those you wish to be raised up and remembered in our special worship service on November 5th in the book next to the banner; then pin a bell for each name on the red ribbons of the banner. If you are unable to be in-person at the worship services, please feel free to call the church and we will record your loved one’s name and place a bell on the banner for you.






As of October 12th, the fund has received $1,508.00 towards donating 65 coats towards a total of 100 to the Duckett Lane Elementary School.

This 4th Winter Coat Drive aims to ensure that at least 100 children can stay warm and comfortable during the year's coldest months. A gift of $23.00 buys one coat while $115.00 will supply five winter coats to keep multiple children warm.  This coat drive will need to stop on November 18th in order to deliver the coats to the school by Thanksgiving.  Please MAIL your gift to:  Operation Warm Inc,  P.O. Box 822431, Philadelphia,  PA 19182-2431  (Memo: "Doug Brice-Christian Temple")



Our children's ministry can't run without volunteers. Please consider volunteering with our children during Children at Worship/Transformers in August or September as we begin sharing Godly Play with them!





Godly Play (Adult Session) / October 29th and November 12th / 9:15 AM

Are you curious about Godly Play? Godly Play is a very intentional spiritual formation tool that we are using for our whole church. The kiddos have gotten to experience it quite a bit. But we want the adults to have their own experiences with Godly Play. We are hosting two Sunday morning Godly Play sessions for adults only. Join us at one or both for an hour of curiosity and creativity. 


Nine O' Clock Forum, Sundays (9 AM), Zoom Only-  October 29th!

We have some great topics planned for this year. During October, we will be using Jared Byas' book, Love Matters More.  We will be looking at a Love Centered Lens on Biblical Interpretation. Please consider joining us!

A few reminders... We will have in-person Forum at 9:00am on every first Sunday of the month. During that first week of the month, we will introduce a new topic. The following Sundays will be virtual on Zoom. Then when the first Sunday comes around again, we will be in-person.


Talk & Toast, Tuesdays (8:28) on Facebook


Lectio at Lunch (12 PM Noon) - Zoom Sessions Only


Wednesday Bible Study- Looking Forward to Fall 2023!

We will resume Wednesday Bible Study on the first Wednesday after Labor Day, September 13th, when we will begin a new lecture series entitled, "Skeptics and Believers: Religious Debate in the Western Intellectual Tradition."  Our lector is Professor Tyler Roberts, a professor of Religious Studies at Grinnell College.  This is a 36-week lecture series beginning at 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. every Wednesday.