The Seed Newsletter: February 19, 2023
Dear Christian Temple Family,
During Black History Month, we've tried to be intentional to center the voices of Black theologians and writers. We've done this in various ways: using primarily Black women for sermon research, using quotes from Black authors on the sign, and even immersing ourselves in the words and thoughts of Black theologians in the Forum. Sure, it doesn't replace sitting down over a coffee and listening to the struggles, triumphs, joys, and challenges of Black people in our community. But it is a start. It is a journey that we will continue to walk, continuing to deconstruct inherited notions of race and gender that contribute to vast inequalities in our society.
This Lenten season* we will be continuing that journey. Traditionally during the season of Lent, churches encourage faithful followers to give up something: sodas, alcohol, chocolate, bad habits, etc.** We want to encourage you to take something on this year.
During the entire Lenten season, we will be using Cole Arthur Riley's This Here Flesh as the backdrop for our worship. She is a Black woman who got her start in writing prayers during the pandemic--Black Liturgies. This Here Flesh is the product of radical embodiment, courageous storytelling, and liberating love. We hope that you will consider reading along with us. Those in the 9am Forum will begin on February 26th discussing two chapters a week. If you can't make it then, gather some people on your own to discuss it. We will even provide the coffee and snacks.
It is essential that we--as a predominately white institution--continue to push ourselves past the point of having a grasp over our knowledge to a place of openhanded curiosity and hope. I truly believe that this book will help us in that effort. Will you join us?
Grace and Peace,
*Lent begins on Wednesday, February 22 (Ash Wednesday). For those of you not inclined to calendaring, that is this coming Wednesday.
**Don't get me started on divinely sanctioned dieting.
*We will be holding an in-person service at 11 AM, and also streaming the service live on YouTube. Once the service is over, you will still be able to watch it on YouTube or Facebook at your convenience.
Click Here to go directly to Christian Temple's YouTube Channel.
The Circle of Love (Afghan Resettlement Ministry) is working hard to help their families improve their employment and career opportunities. Doug Kruse, a member of this committee, would like to communicate with professionals employed by McCormick & Company. This company has a very positive reputation, room to grow as an employee, and is nearby the families we are helping to resettle. If you have any professional contacts at McCormick who might be willing to talk about employment opportunities, then please give them Doug's information: douglaslkruse@gmail.com and 240-753-3947. Alternatively, you can pass your contact's information to Doug and he will reach out to them.
Thank you so much for your help in nurturing these families by supporting the Circle of Love- Afghan Resettlement Ministry!
As we all begin to plan for the summer, our staff needs some help in knowing what interests you. Registration for summer camps has already begun, so help provide us with an idea of what looks good to you and your children.
Adults, please fill out the survey for your children and youth as it will also give us an indicator of our overall numbers. Click this link to go to the survey: https://forms.gle/sZLu7dWkeMjo6m6M8
This is just gauging interest and is not a commitment.
Thank you, Christian Temple Members & Friends! We so appreciate your presence, generosity, and good-natured spirit of competition at the Chili Cook-off. We collected $177.50 to go toward the purchase of supplies for the 2023 Kid's Easter Egg Hunt! It's going to be a fun time for the kids!
Artists4ERA, an art exhibit developed to bring a renewed awareness to the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), is coming to Maryland from February 27th to March 5th!
AAUW-Maryland, the Howard, Baltimore and Anne Arundel Branches, the Maryland Women’s Heritage Center, Dismantling Racism Committee of Catonsville Presbyterian Church, Grace AME Church, and Christian Temple will sponsor the exhibit and a silent auction. The exhibit will be open weekdays from 6-8pm and weekends from 12-5pm with the reception including speakers, panelists and a silent auction on March 3rd from 6:30-9:30pm.
Tickets for the March 3rd reception at the Baltimore County Arts Guild in Catonsville are free but since space is limited you must reserve your place through the Eventbrite invitation. All donations collected for the artwork financially support the work of VoteEquality to ensure that gender equality is part of our Constitution through online and live releases of limited edition, signed ERA art prints.
Register today >>> https://bit.ly/3ZRMotQ
We have the best opportunity before us: a whole lot of kids and a need for adults to help! Will you consider volunteering once a month (or even less often) to help Kecia wrangle and love our kids during Transformers? Click here to sign up
Please join us for The 9 O' Clock Forum. This Sunday will be the last session in our video discussion of "Listening to Black Voices". Hope to see you on Zoom!
Please use this link to join us: https://zoom.us/j/91547210479
The next Farmer's Market will be held on February 8th. (There will be no market on February 1st.) Please see the new dates below:

February 22nd (10 to Noon)
March 8th and 22nd (10 to Noon)
April 2nd, 19th, and 26th (9 to Noon)
Every Wednesday starting in May!
Please let you friends and neighbors know!

The Children's Choir will be meeting on February 19th (10:15 am) to practice. Hope you can make it!
Transformers will also be meeting this Sunday, February 19th. Kids will leave to participate in the program right after the Children’s Moment during our worship service. Rebekah Cerame will be the teacher, and Cindy Wagner will be the 2nd adult, for this week's session. Kecia Johnson, the Education Coordinator for Christian Temple, will be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding the Transformer program and schedule.
If you know of anyone who isn't receiving the J&C and/or The Seed, please ask them to let the office know. Contact Robin at 410-747-2041 or at office@christiantemple.org. Thank you!
Nine O' Clock Forum, Sundays (9 AM), Zoom Sessions Only
This Sunday will be the last session in our video discussion of "Listening to Black Voices". We hope you are able to join us!
Wednesday Bible Study (9:30 AM), Zoom Sessions Only
Beginning on Wednesday, November 2 and for the next 24 weeks the Wednesday Bible Study group will begin a new study on “Understanding the New Testament.” The course is led by Professor David Brakke, Ph.D. This is a 24 lecture series that takes us behind the scenes to study not only the text of the New Testament, but also the authors and the world in which it was created. The course explores Jewish lives under Roman occupation, reflects on the apocalyptic mood of the first and second centuries A. D., witnesses the early Christians’ evangelism beyond the Jewish communities, and witnesses the birth of a faith that continues to shape our world today.
There is no need to purchase books or course materials, as the WBS coordinator distributes appropriate reading materials and a Zoom link each week for each lecture. Please join us this fall in learning about our Christian faith, its scriptures and authors. If you have questions, please contact Vaughn Ouellette at 410-313-9661 or email: vaughn.ouellette@verizon.net.
The Official Church Board updated Christian Temple's Pandemic Preparedness Policy to more accurately reflect the current realities of the pandemic. Anyone who would like to see the policy as it now is written may CLICK HERE.
