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The Seed: August 20, 2023


August 20, 2023


Dear Christian Temple Family,

I read somewhere that adulthood is just saying, “Next week things will slow down,” for the rest of your life. With that in mind, school is about to start and programs are about to ramp up at Christian Temple. It is going to be a good season together but it won’t slow down for a while. That is OK because we have each other. 

As we begin Godly Play, as we restart Chi Rho, as welcome new members on September 10, as we host our Activity Fair on August 27, it will help to draw a circle around all of it and remember that this is all sacred. Breathing itself, living in community, worshipping in the midst of life, and simply being present is all part of it. 

So, take a deep breath. Let’s begin this new season together recognizing that it is all sacred. 

Much love,





As a part of our grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, we have the opportunity to go to New York City on September 3rd to participate in the worship celebration at Middle Collegiate church. It is sure to be a wonderful time!

We will be riding the Amtrak Regional Train, leaving at 6:08am from Penn Station and returning via the same train at 7:01pm, putting us back in Baltimore at 9:30pm.

It is going to be a long day, but it will be a fun day!

Your train ticket is included as a part of the grant program. All other costs in NYC are up to you. Register here



August 27th- Activities Fair!

Join us in the Fellowship Hall after worship for light refreshments and an opportunity to see all that Christian Temple offers.




You are invited by the Dismantling Racism Committee of Catonsville Presbyterian Church, Grace AME Church and Christian Temple to join Dr. Terry Anne Scott, Director of the Institute for Common Power, as she discusses the 1955 lynching of Emmett Till and how it changed America. How can we disrupt racism and racial violence today? This free, online lecture will be held on Monday, August 28 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Visit to register.



This SUNDAY, August 13th, we will begin our Godly Play program for children during the worship service. Children going into 4th grade and younger are invited to follow Pastor Katie to the Gathering after the children's moment for a time of Godly Play. This week, we will be covering "The Great Family." If you want to learn more about Godly Play, click here



Our children's ministry can't run without volunteers. Please consider volunteering with our children during Children at Worship/Transformers in August or September as we begin sharing Godly Play with them!





The new church fiscal year has begun, and your generous pledges are a blessing to us all! AN IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR THOSE WHO GIVE AUTOMATICALLY VIA THE WEBSITE:

IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR PLEDGE FOR ’23-‘24, please update it online, and be sure to cancel any pending withdrawals that reflect your commitment from last year. We don’t want you getting double deducted; no need to be that generous! 

Please feel free to contact the church office at (410) 747-2041 or  if you need any help. 



Nine O' Clock Forum, Sundays (9 AM), Zoom Sessions Only 

Join the Forum this Sunday for a study of Diana Butler Bass' Freeing Jesus. We will discuss one chapter a week, but don't let the book be a barrier to joining us! It will be a stimulating discussion.


Talk & Toast, Tuesdays (8:28) on Facebook


Lectio at Lunch (12 PM Noon) - Zoom Sessions Only

 Lectio will start up again next Wednesday, August 23rd!


Wednesday Bible Study- Looking Forward to Fall 2023!

We will resume Wednesday Bible Study on the first Wednesday after Labor Day, September 6th, when we will begin a new lecture series entitled, "Skeptics and Believers: Religious Debate in the Western Intellectual Tradition."  Our lector is Professor Tyler Roberts, a professor of Religious Studies at Grinnell College.  This is a 36-week lecture series beginning at 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. every Wednesday.